Monday, February 6, 2023

a better world is possible

The idea of abolishing capitalism and money, using robots and AI as the labor and critical services force, and providing everyone with free housing, medical treatment, and education is an intriguing and radical concept. We would also abolish the police, and replace them with trained social and mental health workers in every community, and using a force like the national guard or coast guard, utilizing only less than lethal weapons and robots, to handle violent crime, which would plummet due to mental health care and reduction of inequality.

Possible Outcomes:

Increased Equality: Abolishing capitalism and money, and providing free housing, medical treatment, and education to everyone, could potentially lead to increased equality and reduced poverty and inequality. This could create a more equitable and just society, where everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

Reduced Workload: By relying on robots and AI for labor and critical services, it is possible that people could have more free time to pursue their interests, engage in community activities, and live a more fulfilling life.

Improved Mental Health: By replacing police with social workers and mental health specialists, it is possible that society could see a reduction in violence and crime, as well as an improvement in mental health and well-being.

Technological Progress: The increased use of robots and AI could lead to further advancements in technology, and could potentially bring new and innovative solutions to society's problems.

People who love art will still make art. People who love making music will make music.inventors would still invent, because they love to, and free of the constraints of worrying about their next meal, or safety, or housing, they would thrive. We already have the technology tomautomate the shit jobs, the grunt work etc. Clean nuclear energy can power everything until better systems are invented. We will all be free to do what we love.

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