Tuesday, January 31, 2017

You can't even lead a horse to water, let alone make it drink

Most people live in a myth and grow violently angry if anyone dares to tell them the truth about themselves.
Robert Anton Wilson
So much of our time is spent trying to teach, to persuade, to educate and enlighten. We seek to make others aware in many ways, and in the age of social media it has become commonplace for contrary ideologies to clash. We debate and we proselytize, we call out perceived logical fallacies, we quote statistics to bolster our positions. We scream into the wind desperately clinging to the notion that if we could just make ‘them’ aware, like dominoes the rest would somehow fall into place, and a ‘better world would be possible’.
Sadly, I don’t believe this to be true. I don’t believe you can ever change someone’s mind in an echo chamber, can’t ever overcome cognitive dissonance with clever witticisms, won’t ever defeat confirmation bias with hugs and statistics. I truly feel that the only way to change the world is to change yourself, and the only way one changes themselves is by themselves, of their own volition. You can try to educate, you can point to the destination, but they will never follow the path you lay out, they must find their own path to the knowledge if they are ever going to accept it, truly internalize and use it for growth.
this doesn’t mean stop disseminating the knowledge, it simply means that I feel we must simply make the knowledge available, and leave it at that. I feel we should stop fighting and trying to convince, and simply share. Share what you have learned and experienced. Share the books and artists that have inspired you. Let others make the connections themselves. Perhaps when they have torn down the constructs and reality tunnels they mentally and spiritually dwell in, they will be free to open hearts and minds and bring about the change in themselves that you have. Maybe they will even be better, and in turn educate you.