Saturday, January 28, 2017

We are all in this together

We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.
R. Buckminster Fuller
We are all in this together. These words are more than a clever catchphrase, but are instead a blueprint. The blueprint, if you will, that unlocks all the secrets of the multiverse. We are all one being, and not just humankind, but everything; all the animals, all the trees, all the rocks dirt and space that makes up everything, both seen and unseen. We are all made from the same stuff, and we are part of a single living universal eco-sphere. The problem, as has been hinted at throughout time via myth, via tales told around fires and biblical fable, comes in the separations we have created in perceptions. The negative energies, personified by the elite, are always seeking to control and distract us from this fact. The tale of the tower of Babel, for example, speaks on this, telling us in allegorical form, of how humankind in its quest to rejoin its ‘god’ joined together to build a massive tower. Furious at this perceived hubris, ‘god’ smashed the tower, and muddled humanities mind so that many languages were created, dividing humanity so that we could not communicate with one another as one. The tale, of course, was created by the negative power elite of the time, as a way of controlling us all. The main weapon of this power hungry elite is that of division, pushing us into groups, tribes, nations, races, factions ideologically opposed to one another. They seek to control us via fear of what ‘the others’ may do to us, the so called threats they pose to ‘our way of life’. This practice continues to this day, as seen in political parties, and other groups we are divided into. The control is sometimes quite subtle, for example the use of the mass media to spread fear of strangers. News stories are spread far and wide about strangers who threaten our children, a primal fear, and in turn we teach our children not to talk to strangers, to fear the unknown, instead of reaching out a hand to neighbors. We are taught to lock our doors tight, to mistrust everyone for the enemy is ‘always among us’, invisible and evil, waiting to pounce. Less subtle is the propaganda that is spread to incite war, the ‘terrorist threat’ or the ‘infidels’ lurking globally, seeking our destruction. Our cities are constructed to separate social groups, with ‘ghettos’ that the system imprisons people along racial lines, manipulating events and opportunities to keep those who are downtrodden down, and the rest of us in fear of the ‘bad neighborhoods’. They convince us that ‘they’ have ‘their culture and music’ and ‘we have ours’. They perpetuate groups that on their face are striving for equality for races, genders, social status and sexuality, but in effect simply emphasize and maintain the separations. We play along like sheep, creating our own divisions, creating new groups and movements to fight the other groups. Anything that divides us is used by the negative elite to distract us from the truth that we are all in this together, that instead of fighting for our own ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ we need to be as one universally and then we will BE free. All the marches in the world, all the ‘occupy’ and ‘liberations’ and ‘tea parties’, will not free us, but only further divide us, and the negative elite smile in the knowledge that we are driving ourselves further away from the ultimate peace, the ultimate freedom. And it is a simple thing to combat. The solution has been hidden in every religion, in every fable, in every myth. Deep down in our collective consciousness we send ourselves the message, the answer to all that plagues us and holds us back. All we need to do is love. Some form of the golden rule exists universally: Love one another as you love yourself. This is a literal formula, for each other IS our selves. Existence is a vibration, in essence, and every new note brings more disharmony. Even when we play a chord as one, we still miss the purity of a single note chimed en masse, the single note that will raise our consciousness to the next dimension, where ‘we are all in this together’ will be seen to be far more than a concept. It will be a reality.