Friday, October 28, 2016

What Zombies Represent In #TWD Pt 1

What Zombies Represent In #TWD Pt 1

What's neat about zombies in 2016 is that they have EVOLVED. Filmmaking, cinema, Television, Comic Books, et cetera.

What you PROBABLY DON'T realize is this... There is a HIDDEN MESSAGE in #TheWalkingDead's zombie television show which will change the paradigm meaning of "zombies".

The zombies represent the docile "sheep" of society. The 90-99%. The zombies REPRESENT THE CONSUMERS. Like Grant Cardone said, "Sell Or Be Sold". The zombies are the sold. The survivors represent the sellers and the awakened.

Zombies are the mass amounts of people who all do the same thing: Day in and day out. I can go into further finite detail and I will later on, but for now your zombie appetite will have to be fed. I AM NOT putting down people's right to freedoms, I am not putting down your so-called "beliefs". The reason I have to write a "warning" should tell you that we as a society ARE DOOMED. People are SHEEP. They hear or see something that doesn't fit their programmed mind's vision and get their feelings hurt.

I love ZOMBIES. I THOROUGHLY enjoy The Walking Dead. I find it to be BRILLIANT. There are CONSPIRACY THEORIES that run RAMPANT about what the zombies really represent. Well, as I said, it's quite simple really. They represent the docile people in world's society that do not think outside of the box. They represent those who are all the same. I understand that you can live life how you want to live, but this isn't about that. I suggest you go read a self-help blog if your feelings are hurt.

What I mean is this: The zombies in the walking dead represent much more than "blood and guts" or a "zombie infection". The zombies are people who will NEVER step outside of their "comfort zone" and BLINDLY follow their masters in all forms: money, food, drink, entertainment, religion, medical, politics, police, military, jobs. These are the people who are sheep. They blindly project their suppressive and repressive programmed minds onto others in the world and try to make more "zombies" by convincing or "INFLUENCING" them. The zombies are the consumers (sheep). The survivors are the sellers (entrepreneurs)

In the zombie world, there is a SICKNESS that causes a human to turn into a zombie. In reality, there is no SICKNESS. The sickness is the INFLUENCE. This can be done in many proprietary forms. Such as said above.

The SURVIVORS in The Walking Dead are in reality, those who PERSIST. Those who SEEK HIGHER GROUND and are NON-CONFORMISTS. To some degree, we all must conform, but not in the same way. Rick in The Walking Dead Season 7 represents both the protagonist and the antagonist. He is a HEALER, and a free thinking man, but he has allowed the power to go to his head. For this, he MUST BE BROKEN and brought back to reality. Negan... Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

Zombies are the ones who SEEK COMFORT and SEEK TO INFLUENCE others to their own AFFORDABLE BELIEFS. Survivors are the ENTREPRENEURS.