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Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
upcoming #IndyWrestling shows this weekend
29.10.2016 Limitless Wrestling LW Who Watches The Watchmen? Event (Card) Bangore, Maine, USA
29.10.2016 Southside Wrestling Entertainment SWE 6th Anniversary Show Event (Card) Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, UK
29.10.2016 Premier British WrestlingUnion Of European Wrestling Alliances PBW Maximum Impact 2016 Event (Card) Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, UK
29.10.2016 Exposure Wrestling Entertainment EWE Pill Millenium Massacre Event (Card) Newport, Gwent, Wales, UK
29.10.2016 Future Pro Wrestling FPW Trick Or Treat 6 Event (Card) Sutton, Greater London, England, UK
29.10.2016 South East Wrestling 4FW South East Event (Card) Hawkinge, Kent, England, UK
29.10.2016 Pro Wrestling Chaos Pro Wrestling Chaos Event (Card) Yate, Gloucestershire, England, UK
29.10.2016 German Wrestling Federation GWF Berlin Underground Event (Card) Berlin, Deutschland
29.10.2016 Pro Evolution Wrestling EVW Event (Card) Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England, UK
29.10.2016 Deutsche Wrestling Allianz DWA Hard Knocks 3 - Monsters Of Wrestling Event (Card) Delmenhorst, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
29.10.2016 wXw Wrestling Academy wXw Academy Event (Card) Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
29.10.2016 Insane Championship Wrestling ICW Road To Fear & Loathing Tour 2016: That's A Paddlin' Event (Card) Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK
29.10.2016 Ring Of Honor ROH Road To Final Battle 2016 Event (Card) Baltimore, Maryland, USA
29.10.2016 Acclaim Pro Wrestling APW Monster Brawl Event (Card) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
29.10.2016 Adriatic Special Combat AcademyRising Sun Wrestling Promotion ASCA/RSWP Unlimited Ambition Event (Card) Almenno San Bartolomeo, Bergamo, Italien
29.10.2016 Hybrid Wrestling Association HWA A Nightmare On 9th Street Event (Card) Eddystone, Pennsylvania, USA
29.10.2016 Combat Sports Federation CSF Saturday Night Slam Event (Card) Bridgwater, Somerset, England, UK
29.10.2016 Over The Top Wrestling OTT Wrestlecon - Tag 2 Event (Card) Dublin, Ireland
29.10.2016 European Wrestling Promotion EWP Breakthrough #10 Event (Card) Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
29.10.2016 Legendary Action Wrestling LAW Cosplay Carnage Event (Card) New York City, New York, USA
29.10.2016 Dutch Pro Wrestling DPW Conflict 2016 Event (Card) Hoek van Holland, Niederlande
29.10.2016 Fighting Evolution Wrestling FEW Halloween Fallout Event (Card) Clewiston, Florida, USA
29.10.2016 Independent Wrestling Federation IWF Evil Intentions 2016 - Tag 4 Event (Card) Nutley, New Jersey, USA
30.10.2016 PROGRESS Wrestling PROGRESS Chapter 38: When Men Throw Men At Men Event (Card) Camden, Greater London, England, UK
30.10.2016 Pro Wrestling 4 U PW4U Lucky Charmbars Event (Card) Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, England, UK
30.10.2016 Insane Championship Wrestling ICW Road To Fear & Loathing Tour 2016: You Don't Win Friends With Salad Event (Card) Bristol, England, UK
30.10.2016 World Wrestling Entertainment WWE Hell In A Cell 2016 Pay Per View (Card) Boston, Massachusetts, USA
30.10.2016 Pro Wrestling Pride PWP Event (Card) Taunton, Somerset, England, UK
30.10.2016 Revolution Pro Wrestling RevPro Live In Portsmouth 6 Event (Card) Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK
29.10.2016 Southside Wrestling Entertainment SWE 6th Anniversary Show Event (Card) Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, UK
29.10.2016 Premier British WrestlingUnion Of European Wrestling Alliances PBW Maximum Impact 2016 Event (Card) Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, UK
29.10.2016 Exposure Wrestling Entertainment EWE Pill Millenium Massacre Event (Card) Newport, Gwent, Wales, UK
29.10.2016 Future Pro Wrestling FPW Trick Or Treat 6 Event (Card) Sutton, Greater London, England, UK
29.10.2016 South East Wrestling 4FW South East Event (Card) Hawkinge, Kent, England, UK
29.10.2016 Pro Wrestling Chaos Pro Wrestling Chaos Event (Card) Yate, Gloucestershire, England, UK
29.10.2016 German Wrestling Federation GWF Berlin Underground Event (Card) Berlin, Deutschland
29.10.2016 Pro Evolution Wrestling EVW Event (Card) Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England, UK
29.10.2016 Deutsche Wrestling Allianz DWA Hard Knocks 3 - Monsters Of Wrestling Event (Card) Delmenhorst, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
29.10.2016 wXw Wrestling Academy wXw Academy Event (Card) Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
29.10.2016 Insane Championship Wrestling ICW Road To Fear & Loathing Tour 2016: That's A Paddlin' Event (Card) Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK
29.10.2016 Ring Of Honor ROH Road To Final Battle 2016 Event (Card) Baltimore, Maryland, USA
29.10.2016 Acclaim Pro Wrestling APW Monster Brawl Event (Card) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
29.10.2016 Adriatic Special Combat AcademyRising Sun Wrestling Promotion ASCA/RSWP Unlimited Ambition Event (Card) Almenno San Bartolomeo, Bergamo, Italien
29.10.2016 Hybrid Wrestling Association HWA A Nightmare On 9th Street Event (Card) Eddystone, Pennsylvania, USA
29.10.2016 Combat Sports Federation CSF Saturday Night Slam Event (Card) Bridgwater, Somerset, England, UK
29.10.2016 Over The Top Wrestling OTT Wrestlecon - Tag 2 Event (Card) Dublin, Ireland
29.10.2016 European Wrestling Promotion EWP Breakthrough #10 Event (Card) Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
29.10.2016 Legendary Action Wrestling LAW Cosplay Carnage Event (Card) New York City, New York, USA
29.10.2016 Dutch Pro Wrestling DPW Conflict 2016 Event (Card) Hoek van Holland, Niederlande
29.10.2016 Fighting Evolution Wrestling FEW Halloween Fallout Event (Card) Clewiston, Florida, USA
29.10.2016 Independent Wrestling Federation IWF Evil Intentions 2016 - Tag 4 Event (Card) Nutley, New Jersey, USA
30.10.2016 PROGRESS Wrestling PROGRESS Chapter 38: When Men Throw Men At Men Event (Card) Camden, Greater London, England, UK
30.10.2016 Pro Wrestling 4 U PW4U Lucky Charmbars Event (Card) Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, England, UK
30.10.2016 Insane Championship Wrestling ICW Road To Fear & Loathing Tour 2016: You Don't Win Friends With Salad Event (Card) Bristol, England, UK
30.10.2016 World Wrestling Entertainment WWE Hell In A Cell 2016 Pay Per View (Card) Boston, Massachusetts, USA
30.10.2016 Pro Wrestling Pride PWP Event (Card) Taunton, Somerset, England, UK
30.10.2016 Revolution Pro Wrestling RevPro Live In Portsmouth 6 Event (Card) Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK
What Zombies Represent In #TWD Pt 1
What Zombies Represent In #TWD Pt 1
What's neat about zombies in 2016 is that they have EVOLVED. Filmmaking, cinema, Television, Comic Books, et cetera.
What you PROBABLY DON'T realize is this... There is a HIDDEN MESSAGE in #TheWalkingDead's zombie television show which will change the paradigm meaning of "zombies".
The zombies represent the docile "sheep" of society. The 90-99%. The zombies REPRESENT THE CONSUMERS. Like Grant Cardone said, "Sell Or Be Sold". The zombies are the sold. The survivors represent the sellers and the awakened.
Zombies are the mass amounts of people who all do the same thing: Day in and day out. I can go into further finite detail and I will later on, but for now your zombie appetite will have to be fed. I AM NOT putting down people's right to freedoms, I am not putting down your so-called "beliefs". The reason I have to write a "warning" should tell you that we as a society ARE DOOMED. People are SHEEP. They hear or see something that doesn't fit their programmed mind's vision and get their feelings hurt.
I love ZOMBIES. I THOROUGHLY enjoy The Walking Dead. I find it to be BRILLIANT. There are CONSPIRACY THEORIES that run RAMPANT about what the zombies really represent. Well, as I said, it's quite simple really. They represent the docile people in world's society that do not think outside of the box. They represent those who are all the same. I understand that you can live life how you want to live, but this isn't about that. I suggest you go read a self-help blog if your feelings are hurt.
What I mean is this: The zombies in the walking dead represent much more than "blood and guts" or a "zombie infection". The zombies are people who will NEVER step outside of their "comfort zone" and BLINDLY follow their masters in all forms: money, food, drink, entertainment, religion, medical, politics, police, military, jobs. These are the people who are sheep. They blindly project their suppressive and repressive programmed minds onto others in the world and try to make more "zombies" by convincing or "INFLUENCING" them. The zombies are the consumers (sheep). The survivors are the sellers (entrepreneurs)
In the zombie world, there is a SICKNESS that causes a human to turn into a zombie. In reality, there is no SICKNESS. The sickness is the INFLUENCE. This can be done in many proprietary forms. Such as said above.
The SURVIVORS in The Walking Dead are in reality, those who PERSIST. Those who SEEK HIGHER GROUND and are NON-CONFORMISTS. To some degree, we all must conform, but not in the same way. Rick in The Walking Dead Season 7 represents both the protagonist and the antagonist. He is a HEALER, and a free thinking man, but he has allowed the power to go to his head. For this, he MUST BE BROKEN and brought back to reality. Negan... Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see.
Zombies are the ones who SEEK COMFORT and SEEK TO INFLUENCE others to their own AFFORDABLE BELIEFS. Survivors are the ENTREPRENEURS.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
It's Almost Time To Bury The Sheets
Bury the sheets
Ladies and gentlemen, fans of Its Real To Us/Way2Real, and Sub Par Dirtsheet Writers Reading This:
The time is almost upon us. The moons have been in my favor. Your obsessively pathetic writings and DROOLINGS upon the GREAT SPORT of PRO WRESTLING are OVER (over)!
You filthy swines writing dirt sheets with very sub par skills and REPETITIVE themes and NONSENSICAL STORIES have been in my BULLSEYE for quite some time.
With that said, PLEASE, put your nonsense away. It's almost time for all JAH-BRONIS POLLUTING the GREAT SPORT OF PRO WRESTLING to be metaphorically buried. You may get better, now, in advance.
You have been warned, sub-par writers and glory seekers.
The Gatekeeper of Pro Wrestling Past Present and Future
Itchweeed Returns Tonight! #IMPACTonPOP TV!
Ladies and gentlemen, Brother Neros and Sister Neros: Making a PHENOMENAL return to TELEVISION tonight... Will be none other than "Itchweeed"! (That's 3 E's) If you are unfamiliar with Itchweeed, then please go to a spaghetti festival at a Star Wars convention. Really you don't know Itchweeed?
Itchweeed is the most DYNAMIC and EXCITING performer to ever appear on a televised pro wrestling show! He is also a man who has stopped many nefarious demons, foes, enemies, evil clowns, and jah-bronis. He also singlehandedly stopped that evil witch "Rosemary"! And her poisonous mist! Oh, Abyss wishes he was half of the man that this man was. Wait, Itchweed is a man right?
Impact On Pop: 8 PM Eastern / 7 PM Central on POP TV
Age: Unknown
Itchweeed is the most DYNAMIC and EXCITING performer to ever appear on a televised pro wrestling show! He is also a man who has stopped many nefarious demons, foes, enemies, evil clowns, and jah-bronis. He also singlehandedly stopped that evil witch "Rosemary"! And her poisonous mist! Oh, Abyss wishes he was half of the man that this man was. Wait, Itchweed is a man right?
Impact On Pop: 8 PM Eastern / 7 PM Central on POP TV
Itchweeed bio:
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 217 lbs.
From: The Absent Mind
Signature Move: Itchweeed In The Wind
Finishing Move: The Microphone Bomb
Known For: Being a world class television host and entertainment specialist
Previous Occupation: A redneck trucker
Special Skills: Stopping Ghouls and Demons
Favorite Wrestlers: Jeff Hardy
Favorite Actor: Matt Hardy
Mortal Enemy: Dixie Carter
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Daughters of #WWE legends forming new promotion with Christy Hemme
Brooke Hogan and Brittany Page have joined with Lacey Von Erich of the legendary Von Erich family, Roddy Piper’s daughter Ariel Toombs and Bianca Brigitte VanDamme, daughter of Jean-Claude VanDamme to start a new wrestling promotion, with Christy Hemme as an 'authority figure'. Brittany talks to TMZ in the above video about it all!
Monday, October 24, 2016
FloSlam starting wrestling streaming network ala #WWE Network
FloSlam will be announcing shortly the creation of a WWE Network style streaming network, on which Indy wrestling shows will be shown, giving an unprecedented amount of exposure to Indy promotions and workers. With $21 million in seed money, they are approaching Indy promotions and offering large up front payments for the rights to broadcast their shows. Ironically, WWE is one of the investors in FloSlam.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Billy Corgan files suit against Dixie Carter, #TNA & others (court docs included)
Court Documents reveal that TNA President Billy Corgan has filed a lawsuit against Impact Wrestling, their parent company Impact Ventures LLC, TNA Chairman Dixie Carter, TNA Chief Financial Officer Dean Broadhead and Dixie’s husband Serg Salias. As you can see, several motions and counter motions have been filed, including restraining orders. More info on the #Way2Real podcast as it becomes available
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Texano has a message for Cage #LuchaUnderground
The Blue Collar Brawler, Texano, has a message for The Machine Called Cage before the next bout in their Best Of 5 Series! #LuchaUnderground pic.twitter.com/qwRf9DXUsq
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) October 8, 2016
#WWE suspends Paige for 60 days, see her reaction here
WWE has suspended Saraya-Jade Bevis (Paige) for 60 days effective immediately, for her second violation of the company’s talent wellness policy.
For those who doubted when #Way2Real reported months ago that Paige was dissatisfied and wanted out, please believe lol.
For those who doubted when #Way2Real reported months ago that Paige was dissatisfied and wanted out, please believe lol.
Same shit different day. Kids..Please don't get prescriptions or doctors notes. Not acceptable.
— PAIGE (@RealPaigeWWE) October 10, 2016
Rules apply depending on your status.
— PAIGE (@RealPaigeWWE) October 10, 2016
Saturday, October 8, 2016
#LuchaUnderground star Fenix Appearance in Huntington Park, CA October 15 @ 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Fenix will be appearing at The Wrestling Guy Store in Huntington Park, CA on Saturday, October 15th 2016 between 3-5pm for an autograph and photo op session.
For more information, check out the Wrestling Guy Store event page on Facebook.
UIPW in East Los Angeles, CA October 8 @ 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
UIPW will be returning to the Clela Arena on October 8, 2016 at 8:00 pm.
Dragon Lee vs. Misterioso
Pierroth & Rush vs. Shamu Jr. & Super Natural
Mariachi Loco vs. Enigma
Profeta Jr. vs. Ryan Kidd
Nightmare Azteca & Kid Tornado vs. Jungle Boy Nate Coy & Rocket Boy D’marco Wilson
Potro Romano vs. Aero Boy
The Clela Arena is located at 926 Clela Ave. in East Los Angeles, CA.
Quintessential Pro Wrestling presents Quintapalooza in Baldwin Park, CA October 8 @ 7:00 PM
QPro Championship Match
Adam Thornstowe (c) vs. Matt Riddle
Adam Thornstowe (c) vs. Matt Riddle
B-Boy vs. Joey Ryan
H.A.T.E (Ray Rosas & Peter Avalon) vs. Vermin (Yuma & Kevin Martenson)
Killer Baes (Heather Monroe & Laura James) vs. Buggy Nova & Sage Sin
QPro Women’s ChampionshipChristina Von Eerie (c) vs. Shayna Baszler
Hudson Envy vs. Delilah Doom
Kenny Lush vs. Luster the Legend
Due to contractual agreement, Brian Kendrick will not complete on the show but will be attending as part of the Meet & Greet. AWS Women’s Champion Nicole Savoy will not be wrestling on the show due to injury but will take part of the meet & greet.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Eric Bischoff talks #TNA library sale to #WWE, rebranding, Goldberg and more
Free 30 Membership to our loyal supporters to Audibles!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Sunday, October 2, 2016
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