Monday, March 21, 2022

Indigenous Prisoner in Struggle Marcelino Ruíz Gómez Denounces Capitalist Wars

Communique from Indigenous Tzotzil prisoner in struggle, Marcelino Ruíz Gómez, from inside CERSS No. 10 in Comitán, Chiapas, denouncing all capitalist wars.

To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation

To the Human Rights Defenders

To the National and International Civil Society

To the National and International Sixth

To the National Indigenous Congress

To the Indigenous Governing Council

To the Media

To the Believers

To the People of Mexico and the World

In this month of March, we spread our word from behind these four walls. We join the peaceful mobilizations for the end of the capitalist war against Indigenous peoples, and an end to the exploitation of mother earth. The capitalist system does nothing more than continue to invade and conquer, in order to exploit, murder, and destroy everything in its path, dispossessing Indigenous peoples of their resources to enrich the few at the expense of the innocent.

Capitalism is dedicated to inciting war, invading countries and towns for economic reasons, and investing in the creation of more weapons to destroy the people. Meanwhile, the people continue to suffer from hunger and necessity leading us towards global destruction.

As conscious people, we respect and defend life knowing that we are one with mother earth. Our existence is a harmonious part of her.

For that, we shout for an end to the war in Ukraine, Syria, and Palestine, and we express our solidarity with all the victims of the political war of capitalism.

End war!

End political persecution!

End forced disappearances!

End assassinations!

End prefabricated imprisonments!

End torture!

Yes to justice!

Yes to freedom!

Yes to life!

Long live the dignified resistance and rebellion!

Until we are all free!


Marcelino Ruíz Gómez

CERSS No. 10

Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico

Photo: Avispa Midia

by Anonymous Contributor via It's Going Down

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