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Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Houston Defends Drag Show Against Christian Fascists
Report on community defense mobilization against a group of Christian fascists and neo-Nazis in so-called Houston, Texas.
On Sunday, July 10th,2022,Protect Texas Kids, a hate group led by self-proclaimed Christian fascist Kelly Neidertfrom North Texas, attempted to disrupt an all-ages dragshowbrunch event at Hamburger Mary’s downtown Houston location. Having discovered their plans beforehand, local Houstonians rallied together inacounter-demonstration to defend the event. A crowd of about100 localAnti-Fascistsand members of Houston’s queer communitymobilized around the venue to guard the entrance, dwarfing theroughly dozenbigots who yelled across the street from behind police and their barricades.
The scene in downtown Houston where @screwstonafc is protecting a family drag show against anti-LGBTQ disrupters led by Kelly Neidert. Neidert and her group are nowhere to be found. Demonstration is set to start at noon
While the fascists’ tiny group stood around occasionally rambling into megaphones, queer Houstonians were drowning them out with our own chants, dancing to music, and staying cool with water, super soakers, and drinks provided by Hamburger Mary’s. Thedrag showwas able to go on as planned, and the fascists were escorted out by police shortly after the drag brunch ended.
Kelly’s attempt to disrupt this event with her group was the latest in a series of actions they have organized against trans and queer gatherings. In general, the group pushes age-old homophobic myths about pedophilia in the queer community as an excuse to show up to events and harass people. They are typically based in Dallas and North Texas, where other Anti-Fascist groups have mobilized against them before. This isone oftheir firstnotableappearancesin Houston to date, aside from a small group of them trying to counter-protest this year’s Pride Parade last month. We hope after how poorly their rally went,thatit will be their last. As far as we know, Kelly and others traveled here from North Texas specifically for this event, despite their turnout struggling to reach a dozen people. While planning the rally, Kellyclaimedthat“Antifa” in Houston “isn’t very active and it’s likely they won’t show up.” She continued on to say, “If they do, I think we will outnumber them.”
**BREAKING** We have identified the Neo-Nazi behind the racist flyers being dropped around Houston! Visit the link to our blog below for the full details!https://t.co/qBavcfrKzrpic.twitter.com/sxSr0DdMys
— Screwston Anti-Fascist Committee (@screwstonafc) June 21, 2022
Some of the same fascists who came to Hamburger Mary’s on Sunday also participated in a Houston White Lives Matter rally in December 2021, where they had a similarly low turnout despite bringing people in from across the state on both occasions. Among them was Ronald Murray Jr, a neo-Nazi we recently exposed for his actions in the Houston area. Ronald gave an interview during the event and shouted slurs over the megaphone. Kelly and her crowd had no problem hanging out with these neo-Nazis until the cameras started rolling at which point she made an effort to stand farther away from them. Regardless, it was clear they felt welcomed to Kelly’s event and knew they would be safe on her side.
At past eventsProtect Texas Kids haveinvited Proud Boys to attend, which we also witnessed this time around. Alongside the actual “Protect Texas Kids” membership, a few non-uniformed Proud Boys were seenin addition to thecontingent of neo-Nazismentioned above.Neidertclaimed our own call to action caused the neo-Nazis to attend. This is aridiculous claim for a self-proclaimed Christian fascistto makewho has appeared on a holocaust denial podcastand who buddies up withProudBoys. The only difference between Ronald Murray and Kelly Neidert is a swastika necklace andyears of unpaid child support. Members from the fascists’ side attempted towalk towards the venuerepeatedly, including three Proud Boys who were forced back to their sideand a “radical centrist” who immediately was booed away. Of course, the cops made no attempt to stop them from coming over, and the community had to defend themselves.
Attempts toPolice theCounter-Protest
There were many attempts to police the community defense of Hamburger Mary’s, from both the cops and from people within the protest. Cops forced us into an increasingly small area, keeping us off curbs, and eventually set up barricades to make a “pathway” that split up the protest in two. The police put up barricades on the fascist side as well, but laid out theirs on the street, giving their tiny group plenty of room.Theyplacedour barricades on the sidewalk, which reduced the room we had even more. As mentioned earlier, the cops made no effort to protectanyonefrom the fascists.They only intervenedwhen fascists who came overto our sidewere at threat of getting hurt by the much larger crowd they were harassing. Their role at the protest was clear– to pacify our crowd and keep the fascists safethroughout their demonstration.
What happened today was an example of effective community defense. Despite right-wing provocateurs tweeting about this event, and Christofascists being bussed in from out of town, they were easily outnumbered by local Houstonians. Proud to have stood with @screwstonafcpic.twitter.com/Xv3SCMygTU
— Space City Anarchist Organization (@SpaceCityAO) July 10, 2022
As often seen at Houston protests, policing of the crowd also came from self–proclaimed“organizers,”who had not organized this event but still attempted to co-opt it. These peace police scolded people for dressing inmasksso they don’t get doxxed by fascists, told people to stop militant chants that the rest of the crowd was fine with, and tried to get people to stop wavinganysigns they didn’t like. These “organizers” made no effort to get in contact withustohelporganize or coordinate the event, and instead tried to position themselves as leaders of a crowd that largely came out because of our call to action. Their justifications were that they wanted the event to be a safe place for the community–even whileorderingaroundthetrans and queer peoplewho actuallyorganized the event– and that they wanted to present queer people in a positive light to the children in the fascists’ crowd who are being indoctrinated(there were about2 or 3 kids in their crowd total). Despite their concerns for “safety,” they were nowhere to be seen when cops were boxing us in or when fascists tried entering the crowd. Outside of this small group,however,nobody else seemed to have an issue with the more militant members of the crowd. Instead, people in blocand thosewho directly confronted fascists were often thanked, the crowd joined in on militant, anti-cop chants, and people asked to take photos of signs with slogans like “these queers bash back.” Ultimately, the peace police gave up on their efforts to control the counter-protest when the threat of nazis and cops becametoo clear to ignore.
Some with Kelly Neidert’s group are now shouting hate speech
The ‘sacrificial’ role that march-and-vote peace police continue to sloganeer about illustrates the fundamental logic and limitations of liberal ‘bodies and spaces’ politics. Peace policing directly contradicts and undermines our own capacity to truly take up community self-defense is fundamentally repressive and serves as willing counterinsurgency which directly benefits the fascists, cops, and the capitalists they protect.
Only a burgeoning revolutionary subjectivity and practice can hold its own against the surge of present and rising fascism. As the class is recomposed into a fighting force capable of liberating itself and smashing capitalism, such a revolutionary subjectivity and practice must be upheld.
The counter-proteststretched far beyond our own membershipand relied on the other organizations and individuals that belong to no group to succeed.We want to thank the nearly 100 people who came out to defend our community and Hamburger Mary’s for keeping the drag brunch running despite the pressure. We also want to thank the numerous groups and organizations that came out, including (but not limited to):
Sunday showed that Houstonians are strong, resilient, and do not accept hate towards our neighbors. The counter-protest ended up being a celebration of queerness as we kept each other safe from fascists and pigs, and a reminder that ourqueercommunity is rooted in protest and rebellion. From Stonewall to Houston’s protests against Anita Bryant that started Houston Pride, to Sundayat Hamburger Mary’s, queers will always bash back and will look beautiful while doing so.
Pre-Event Press Release:
You can view the press release we posted prior to the event here:
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